This is the twentieth weekly update by the Audubon Alliance for
Coastal Waterbirds (AAfCW) for the 2016 season. Today's update includes
reports of Piping Plover, American Oystercatcher, Least Tern and Common
Tern from August 1 through 11:00 a.m. on August 8 with sightings of birds
by volunteers and staff.
Informational updates:
We now have three string fencing removal dates set by
CT DEEP. The Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds would appreciate
any volunteers who could help us out at:
Sandy/Morse Points in West Haven - Tuesday, August 9th at 10 a.m. The rain date is Thursday, August 11th at 10 a.m.
Point in Groton - Monday, August 15th at 10 a.m. CT DEEP will drive
people out to the beach from the parking area. The rain date is Friday,
August 19th at 10 a.m.
Long Beach in Stratford - Tuesday, August 23rd
at 10:30 a.m. We will meet at the west end of the parking area, and the
lot attendant will be notified that volunteers will be coming through
to assist with plover work. The rain date is Thursday, August 25th at
10:30 a.m.
Assisting not only helps AAfCW but it also greatly
aids those at CT DEEP who have extremely limited time. It also limits
the stress on young, feeding and migrant birds. Please remember that
taking down fencing in August can be physically demanding because of the
potential heat and humidity, and those who join us should remember a
few things:
-wear sunscreen and a hat
-drink plenty of water or sports drink and bring a snack
not attempt to carry too many stakes as there will be enough volunteers
and staff members so that no one should overexert themselves
-anyone who needs to limit physical exertion should stick to winding up string rolls
-take as many breaks as needed
general we look for everyone we can to help out even if you are not a
past monitor or volunteer - the more the merrier. It also makes for a
more pleasant morning of bird watching and discussions on the beach.
Please email us at if you can join us in West Haven tomorrow or at Bluff Point or Long Beach in upcoming weeks, and thank you!
through the end of August at your beach, even after fencing removal, is
certainly helpful. While some beaches have young birds and will not
have fencing removed for some time, those that do still host fledged
young, lingering adults, plus dispersed and migratory birds of all ages.
Please keep in mind that our target birds may not be in the expected
nesting areas during this part of the season and could be offshore
feeding, roosting on a distant sand bar, quietly preening on a remote
section of beach, and so on. Good birding, and thanks again!
Survey and monitoring updates:
Piping Plover
1 juvenile at Sandy/Morse Points on 8/2
1 adult, 1 hatchling, 4 fledglings at Long Beach on 8/2
3 juveniles at Sandy/Morse Points on 8/2
1 adult, 1 hatchling, 5 fledglings at Long Beach on 8/3
1 adult at Sandy/Morse Points on 8/3
1 adult, 5 fledglings at Long Beach on 8/3
1 fledgling at Griswold Point on 8/3
1 adult, 3 fledglings at Milford Point on 8/3
1 adult, 13 fledglings at Milford Point on 8/4
1 adult at Sherwood Island State Park on 8/4
1 pair, 5 adults, 1 fledgling at Long Beach on 8/5
1 fledgling at Milford Point on 8/5
1 pair, 3 fledglings at Bluff Point on 8/5
1 adult, 1 hatchling at Griswold Point on 8/5
1 fledgling at Milford Point on 8/6
1 adult at Sandy/Morse Points on 8/7
2 adults, 1 fledgling at Long Beach on 8/7
American Oystercatcher
1 pair, 3 juveniles at Great Captain's Island on 8/1
2 adults at Sandy/Morse Points on 8/2
2 pairs at Sandy/Morse Points on 8/2
4 adults at Sandy/Morse Points on 8/3
1 pair, 8 adults at Milford Point on 8/3
1 pair, 4 adults, 1 juvenile at Milford Point on 8/4
1 pair, 1 juvenile at Bluff Point on 8/5
6 adults at Milford Point on 8/5
3 adults at Milford Point on 8/6
1 adult at Sandy/Morse Points on 8/7
Least Tern
12 adults at Sandy/Morse Points on 8/2
12 adults at Long Beach on 8/2
11 adults, 1 nest at Long Beach on 8/3
6 pairs, 2 hatchlings, 2 fledglings, 2 nests at Long Beach on 8/3
30 adults at Griswold Point on 8/3
5 pairs, 62 adults, 10 fledglings, 23 juveniles, 2 nests at Milford Point on 8/3
120 adults, 30 juveniles at Milford Point on 8/4
2 adults at Sherwood Island State Park on 8/4
1 pair, 10 adults at Long Beach on 8/5
3 adults at Bluff Point on 8/5
12 pairs, 14 adults, 4 hatchlings, 1 fledgling, 6 juveniles, 3 nests at Griswold Point on 8/5
30 adults/juveniles at Milford Point on 8/6
4 adults at Long Beach on 8/7
80 adults, 40 juveniles at Sandy/Morse Points on 8/7
Common Tern
100 adults at Sandy/Morse Points on 8/3
25 adults/juveniles at Griswold Point on 8/3
120 adults/juveniles at Sandy/Morse Points on 8/3
65 adults at Long Beach on 8/3
8 adults, 2 juveniles at Short Beach on 8/3
200 adults, 104 juveniles at Milford Point on 8/3
2 pairs at Sandy/Morse Points on 8/4
250 adults at Milford Point on 8/4
30 adults, 5 juveniles at Compo Beach on 8/4
18 adults, 4 juveniles at Sherwood Island State Park on 8/4
5 adults at Bluff Point on 8/5
45 adults, 60 juveniles at Griswold Point on 8/5
300 adults/juveniles at Milford Point on 8/5
8 adults at Long Beach on 8/5
600 adults/juveniles at Milford Point on 8/6
200 adults, 100 juveniles at Sandy/Morse Points on 8/7
This concludes update #20 through 08/08/16 as of 12:30 p.m.