Sunday, April 30, 2017

Flagged and Banded Birds

We are elated to be hosting several flagged and banded Piping Plovers and American Oystercatchers in Connecticut for the 2017 season. We are monitoring these birds closely and reporting their information to the appropriate parties. Here is a photo of one such Piping Plover, pink flagged 5E, photographed on the day she was found earlier this month with her mate.

This Piping Plover was banded in the Bahamas in March 2017 through research being conducted by the National Audubon Society, Virginia Tech Shorebird Program, Bahamas National Trust, Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, and more partners all working to study and aid the species. For now we will not be posting the birds' specific sites and locations, and we ask our monitors and birders who meet them to do the same. These little celebrities could attract a crowd of interested onlookers, and we want to ensure they have the space they need to raise a family.

Our friend 5E is being featured on National Audubon Society social media, in an anonymous way to ensure her safety, so be sure to see all the love she is getting there. You can read more information about Audubon's work in this PDF file. We will certainly be reporting extensively on the life history and the Connecticut success of these birds after our season concludes in a few months. Fingers crossed that we have wonderful stories to tell! If you want to learn more or find a flagged/banded Piping Plover please see this previous blog entry on what to do, and when reporting it be sure to include CT DEEP's Laura Saucier (Laura.Saucier@ct.gov) and us at the Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds (ctwaterbirds@gmail.com) as well - and thank you!

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