Saturday, May 4, 2019

AAfCW 2019 Volunteer Update #1

This is the first regular weekly update by the Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds (AAfCW) for the 2019 season. These updates will include reports of Piping Plover and American Oystercatcher as well as Least Tern and Common Tern, our four focal species, all of which we ask you to provide detailed monitoring data on whenever you visit your beach. These reports will include sightings of birds by volunteers and staff spanning the weekly period indicated.

Informational updates:

If you provided data and information prior to this update, please be aware that we did receive it, and it is simply not listed in this report. Please also note that negative data is not included in any of these updates, though it is always requested.

Scheduling has been completed. No schedules are mailed or sent publicly - all of it is done on an individual basis. If for some reason yours has not been finalized, please contact us. All monitors should now or soon be visiting their beaches with the exception of Sandy/Morse Points in West Haven (unless you are a resident). Monitor information has been submitted to the City, and as soon as their staff can create parking passes and mail them, we will be all set. We apologize for the delay and are waiting as well for our staff to receive these passes.

Please continue to provide your data and information to us, including negative data, on Piping Plovers, American Oystercatchers, and now that they are returning to the state, Least and Common Terns. Please also report new nests directly to rebecca.foster@ct.gov and laura.saucier@ct.gov. String fencing and signage is about complete, and repairs have been made to multiple beaches already after damage from storms and high tides. If you see any of that damage, please also let us know as soon as possible. Also remember we would like information on disturbances including excess trash, predators such as Fish Crows, people with dogs or engaging in activities around nesting areas, and other notable events that do not reach the level of a “take”.

Please remember monitoring should be done when the temperature is between 50 and 90 degrees, with no rain or thunderstorms, and not on very windy days. If you have to cancel a monitoring session due to inclement weather or personal reasons, please let us know in advance if possible. Thank you all for your efforts! We look forward to many more reports of active birds and nests soon.

Survey and monitoring updates: 

This section will contain information on Piping Plover, American Oystercatcher, Least Tern, and Common Tern data including individuals, pairs, nests, and later in the season, young, beginning next week. Please keep submitting your data either via email, shared eBird checklists (be sure to include all relevant details, please), or our electronic data submission form accessible in the AAfCW blog.

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