Saturday, June 27, 2020

6/27/2020 AAfCW update

Good afternoon, all! Some quick points about monitoring:

1) The safety of the birds is paramount, even at the expense of data and information. We'd rather you leave them a safe distance away than be certain how many fledglings you saw, for example, if it disturbs them or gets too close to fencing. Spotting scopes and binoculars from a far distance help. Our staff has to do the same at times, not being sure of a count one day so they can get a cleaner, safe, distant but certain view the next.

2) When monitoring, stay near the waterline as much as possible. This keeps you out of any potential nesting areas and lets the birds remain more calm in the higher dunes with space to forage and hide. 

3) Milford Point's marsh side is closed to walking, and as always, it is best to go at low tide and remain near the Sound. 

4) All string fencing everywhere in Connecticut is as minimal as possible. In a perfect world, we'd have more, larger fenced areas. As you can imagine, the public and private landowners object to it often, and we maintain as little as possible for the birds to get by. Please do not view it as a barrier to approach as a final line of being safe. It is far safer for the birds if we are as far back as possible from the fencing at all times.

5) We appreciate picking up the abundant litter you may see when monitoring, but please do so with safety in mind for yourself, especially in 2020. Also, please leave it be if it is near or in fenced areas or near a nest, or if you would agitate our birds in collecting it. You can let us know about anything significant and we will do our best.

6) The birds clue us in on how safe we are being. If you hear rapid, frantic calling from a Piping Plover or are being dive-bombed by terns, you're either near young, a nest, or otherwise upsetting them. Please slowly and carefully move back towards the waterline and out of the immediate area.


-CT DEEP is finishing up sending out all confirmed badges and paperwork for those who confirmed their needs
-Scheduling is about set, and most folks are getting out to their beaches
-Please keep submitting using our electronic data entry form whenever possible
-We are waiting on West Haven to send out parking passes
-We are also waiting on The Nature Conservancy to open Griswold Point as it remains closed
-Stratford's beaches are resident only, but if you have your current 2020 badge and are there strictly for monitoring, you should be granted access (please let me know if you are not)
-Fireworks displays by municipalities are nearly canceled in Connecticut in 2020, but we anticipate many small, private shows, and are preparing in all possible ways

That's only a slice of what's going on nonstop in this extremely busy year, and we thank you for your help! Please keep the questions coming if you need any guidance concerning monitoring or other general topics pertaining to AAfCW. We are taking it day by day and working seven days a week across Connecticut to do all we can for the success of our birds.

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