Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Stilt Sandpiper

Here is an uncommonly great look at a Stilt Sandpiper from this past weekend. They are seen somewhat rarely in Connecticut during migration, and are more common in central parts of the U.S. This juvenile bird was actually in a pool of freshwater in the roadway at an airport along with Least Sandpipers. I did my best to make it seem it was somewhere more attractive.

The airport visitors driving by and others like me taking its picture were probably among the first humans it has ever seen, at least up close, considering it was born in the arctic, and many shorebirds take a rapid journey south. Thanks for stopping by and being such a good friend!

Scott Kruitbosch
AAfCW Volunteer Coordinator
RTPI Manager of Connecticut Programs

1 comment:

  1. What beautiful shots, Scott! Thanks so much for sharing them with us. When I saw the feisty little guy this morning he (?) was holding his own against an aggressive flock of Starlings.
