Monday, August 9, 2021

AAfCW 2021 Field Update #10

Good morning! 

We are continuing all monitoring for our waterbirds across the Connecticut coast as we move into August. As always, please keep your safety in mind at all times. Stay home in very hot and humid conditions, or when thunderstorms are occurring. Various breeding conditions continue across Connecticut with young birds still working to fledge and migrants moving through. Our staff will be slowly removing fencing and signage at sites based on when the birds have completed nesting and all young have fledged. We once again anticipate all of this work will be completed by staff due to COVID-19.

It's very important to collect negative data and know that birds are not present, too, whether it is nesting or now migrating. As mentioned, we are at the time of year where some young are dispersing, and other adults are already heading south. We want to make sure we see these birds at all locations if they show up. Quieter beaches that had a tough year, or may have no birds at the end of July, can be a spot where others pass through in migration from nearby locations in Connecticut and even other states.

Some of these birds on the move may be flagged or banded, too - an always exciting sight! That goes for Piping Plover, Least Tern, American Oystercatcher, and Common Tern. Please record and report this whenever possible. We want to keep tracking all that happens at the beach with people, especially in such a busy year for the outdoors. In short, all of your observations are vital, and please keep submitting them through the end of August at your beaches. The following data is through midnight on August 9.

Thank you! Be well and stay safe.

Piping Plover:
11 adults, 5 fledglings, 5 juveniles at Milford Point on 7/26
1 adult, 1 hatchling at Milford Point on 7/27
3 adults, 6 juveniles at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/27
1 adult at Bluff Point on 7/27
2 pairs, 1 adult, 2 juveniles at Griswold Point on 7/27
3 adults, 3 juveniles at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/28
5 adults, 3 fledglings at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/28
3 adults, 8 hatchlings at Milford Point on 7/29
7 juveniles at Bluff Point on 7/29
2 adults, 1 hatchling, 5 juveniles at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/30
3 adults, 5 juveniles at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/30
2 adults, 9 juveniles at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/31
4 adults, 4 hatchlings, 2 fledglings, 9 juveniles at Milford Point on 8/1
2 adults, 4 hatchlings, 1 fledgling at Milford Point on 8/2
1 adult at Griswold Point on 8/2
7 adults at Milford Point on 8/2
9 juveniles at Sandy/Morse Points on 8/3
6 fledglings at Sandy/Morse Points on 8/3
1 fledgling at Long Beach on 8/4
4 juveniles at Sandy/Morse Points on 8/4
1 adult, 3 hatchlings at Bluff Point on 8/6
1 hatchling, 2 fledglings at Sandy/Morse Points on 8/6
3 adults, 2 fledglings at Milford Point on 8/7
3 fledglings at Sandy/Morse Points on 8/7

American Oystercatcher:
26 adults, 1 juvenile at Milford Point on 7/26
2 pairs, 1 hatchling at Bluff Point on 7/27
1 pair at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/28
2 pairs at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/28
3 adults, 2 hatchlings at Milford Point on 7/29
1 pair, 1 nest at Bluff Point on 7/29
1 pair, 1 adult at Bluff Point on 7/30
2 pairs at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/30
2 pairs, 1 adult at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/31
3 adults at Long Beach on 8/1
1 pair, 1 adult, 1 hatchling at Milford Point on 8/1
31 adults, 1 juvenile at Milford Point on 8/2
1 pair at Sandy/Morse Points on 8/3
1 pair at Milford Point on 8/3
2 pairs at Sandy/Morse Points on 8/4
1 adult at Long Beach on 8/5
1 pair at Bluff Point on 8/6
1 pair at Sandy/Morse Points on 8/7

Least Tern:
130 adults, 1 hatchling, 8 juveniles at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/27
6 adults at Griswold Point on 7/27
100 adults at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/28
150 adults, 6 hatchlings, 4 fledglings at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/28
150 adults, 2 juveniles at Milford Point on 7/29
48 adults, 8 hatchlings, 9 juveniles at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/30
45 adults at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/30
50 adults, 1 hatchling, 4 juveniles, 7 nests at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/31
30 adults, 8 nests at Milford Point on 8/1
100 adults, 6 juveniles at Sandy/Morse Points on 8/3
50 adults, 1 hatchling at Sandy/Morse Points on 8/3
100 adults at Sandy/Morse Points on 8/4
1 pair, 86 adults, 5 hatchlings, 2 fledglings, 8 juveniles at Sandy/Morse Points on 8/6
100 adults, 5 hatchlings, 4 fledglings, 1 juvenile at Sandy/Morse Points on 8/7

Common Tern:
227 adults at Milford Point on 7/26
100 adults at Griswold Point on 7/27
4 adults at Milford Point on 7/29
1 adult at Bluff Point on 7/30
2 adults at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/30
31 adults, 1 juvenile at Milford Point on 8/2
4 adults at Sandy/Morse Points on 8/3
20 adults, 4 juveniles at Sandy/Morse Points on 8/4
1 adult at Sandy/Morse Points on 8/6

Thank you!

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